1. How do you trade Pokemon with another trainer?
- Both you and the person you want to trade with are level 10 and higher.
- In order to make any trade: you will need to be friends. You will need to ask for other Trainer Code and use it to send them a Friend request. Once he/she accepts, you’re friends.
- When you want to trade: Meet up with the Friend you want to trade with. Both of you have to be within 100 meters of each other for trading to become available.
- Finally, enter the trading mode, select the Pokemon that you want to trade, and confirm the trade
2. Special Trades vs Standard Trades
- Special Trading is a set of trading rules which applies when trading particular types of Pokemon. The following Pokemon types are considered special trades:
- Legendary Pokemon, or some Mythical Pokemon that allow trading (e.g. Meltan, Melmetal)
- Shiny Pokémon
- Un-owned Pokemon (Pokémon not already in your/your friend’s Pokédex) or forms of Pokemon (like Unown, costumed Pikachu, Castform, Charmander, etc.)
- You can only do one special trade each day.
3. Pokemon GO Trading Cost (stardust)

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